- I wrote a simple server program in C. It monitor my client application.
- Client application need to send acknowledge to server continuously with out any help from user.
- So i making my client application runs in background and it should start at boot time.
- My client application name is client_ack. Copy this file to bin directory
sudo cp client_ack /bin/client_ack
- Go to the /etc/init.d/ directory and create a file and
cd /etc/init.d
sudo vi client_d
- Write the following script into file
# Provides: client_d
# Required-Start: $network $remote_fs $syslog
# Required-Stop: $network $remote_fs $syslog
# Should-Start: network-manager
# Should-Stop: network-manager
# X-Start-Before: $x-display-manager gdm kdm xdm wdm
ldm sdm nodm
# X-Interactive: true
# Default-Start: 2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 6
# Short-Description: server client application
USAGE="usage: $0 {start|stop}";
usage() {
echo $USAGE >&2
ss_start() {
cd /bin
rm -r nohup.out
exec nohup ./client_ack &
sleep 3
echo ""
ss_stop() {
killall -9 client_ack
case $1 in
start) ss_start ;;
stop) ss_stop ;;
*) usage
exit 1
- Give executable permission to client_d file
chmod +x client_d
- Create symbolic link for start up using following command
sudo update-rc.d client_d defaults
- Restart the PC
- You can check the client_d process running by using following command
ps aux | grep client_d
- You can Stop and Start the client_d manually by using following commands
TO START : sudo service client_d start
TO STOP : sudo service client_d stop
- Now my server getting acknowledgement message from client without any help from user and its start at boot time.
can you also put the C programs? This is just a bash script driving the C program every 3 seconds
ReplyDeleteHi parnav. you wrongly understood the logic. This script not execute the C program every 3 second. 3 second is just the delay.
ReplyDeleteWhat actually happening is & symbol make the application run in background and nohup get the stdout of the application i,e nohup will store all content displayed by the c program.
Try to exercise this you will clearly get it...
I will post the C program for this future days...