step 1:
download vmware player freely from vmware official site.
setp 2:
open the terminal using (ctrl + alt + t). move to the directory where vmware player downloaded. mostly it will available in Download directory.
step 3:
Check the downloaded file check sum with checksum value available in vmware site.
vmware website give checksum
- Contains VMware Player for Linux 64-bit operating systems.
- VMware-Player-6.0.3-1895310.x86_64.bundle
- 1895310
- 2014-07-01
- MD5SUM: 73113d30ddb222e1a690d23ac569e462
SHA1SUM: c6576184a76aa65c69313d973c551ddac432408e
Check the md5 check sum using md5sum command
sujin@sujin:~/Installers$ md5sum VMware-Player-6.0.3-1895310.x86_64.bundle
73113d30ddb222e1a690d23ac569e462 VMware-Player-6.0.3-1895310.x86_64.bundle
In my case both are same. so i can make sure that it was downloaded successfully.
Step 4:
give the executable permission to the file
sujin@sujin:~/Installers$ chmod +x VMware-Player-6.0.3-1895310.x86_64.bundle
Step 5:
Start the installation
sujin@sujin:~/Installers$ sudo ./VMware-Player-6.0.3-1895310.x86_64.bundle
Step 6:
It will open the GUI to install vmware. skip if it ask license during installation
How to upgrade it to Pro?