By using condition variable we can tell one thread that when to execute.
using pthread_cond_signal pass the signal to another thread, this signal can be catch by another thread using pthread_cond_wait.
Below program
- main thread will create two thread
- second thread will wait on pthread_cond_wait to get signal.
- first thread will increment the globalCount. When globalCount become 5 thread1 will send signal to thread2
- now thread2 will get signal and add 20 to globalCount and exited from thread handler
- then thread 1 increment the gloablCount until 15, and exited from thread handler function
#include <pthread.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> int globalCount = 0; pthread_mutex_t mutex; pthread_cond_t condvar; void *t1_fun(void *arg) //thread 1 handler function { int i = 0; int t_num = (int)arg; for (i=0; i<15; i++) { pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); globalCount++; if (globalCount == 5) { pthread_cond_signal(&condvar); printf("t1_fun(): thread %d, globalCount = %d Signaled\n", t_num, globalCount); } printf("t1_fun(): thread %d, globalCount = %d\n", t_num, globalCount); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); sleep(1); } pthread_exit(NULL); } void *condVar_fun(void *arg) //thread 2 handler function { int t_num = (int)arg; printf("Thread %d created and running \n", t_num); pthread_mutex_lock(&mutex); pthread_cond_wait(&condvar, &mutex); printf("condVar_fun(): Thread %d Condition signal received \n", t_num); globalCount += 20; printf("condVar_fun(): Thread %d globalCount = %d \n", t_num, globalCount); pthread_mutex_unlock(&mutex); pthread_exit(NULL); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t mythread1; pthread_t mythread2; pthread_attr_t myattr; void *joinResult; int x = 0; int t_arg = 1; pthread_attr_init(&myattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&myattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL); pthread_cond_init (&condvar, NULL); if((pthread_create(&mythread1, &myattr, t1_fun, (void*)t_arg) != 0)){ printf("Error, thread not created properly\n"); return 1; } t_arg = 2; if((pthread_create(&mythread2, &myattr, condVar_fun, (void*)t_arg) != 0)){ printf("Error, thread not created properly\n"); return 1; } pthread_attr_destroy(&myattr); if(pthread_join(mythread1, &joinResult) != 0 ){ printf("Error pthread join \n"); return 1; } printf("Main : Thread1 joined with result of %d\n", (int)joinResult); if(pthread_join(mythread2, &joinResult) != 0 ){ printf("Error pthread join \n"); return 1; } printf("Main : Thread2 joined with result of %d\n", (int)joinResult); printf("main finishes the work\n"); printf("\nCount at end : %d\n", globalCount); pthread_attr_destroy(&myattr); pthread_mutex_destroy(&mutex); pthread_cond_destroy(&condvar); pthread_exit(NULL); }OUTPUT :
t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 1 Thread 2 created and running t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 2 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 3 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 4 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 5 Signaled t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 5 condVar_fun(): Thread 2 Condition signal received condVar_fun(): Thread 2 globalCount = 25 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 26 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 27 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 28 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 29 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 30 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 31 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 32 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 33 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 34 t1_fun(): thread 1, globalCount = 35 Main : Thread1 joined with result of 0 Main : Thread2 joined with result of 0 main finishes the work Count at end : 35
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